Due to a rapidly changing environment, it can be challenging to stay knowledgeable about the issues that impact your role as a case manager. Reimbursement has changed dramatically, as has utilization management, transitional planning, and length of stay management. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has incorporated changes that impact payments related to readmissions, length of stay and cost of care.
This Boot Camp will provide the core knowledge needed to enhance skills and understand the foundational work of case management.
Webinar 1 will discuss fundamental issues, including reimbursement systems, the history of case management, common trends, and will include an introduction to community case management.
Webinar 2 will discuss the role of utilization management, including rules, regulations, and strategies for incorporating utilization into your daily routine.
Webinar 3 will provide insights and up-to-date information on the role of discharge planning, including new rules instituted in 2020.
Webinar 4 will provide an in-depth review of care coordination.
Webinar 5 will discuss how to integrate the roles and functions reviewed in previous sessions. There will also be a comparison of two state-of-the-art case management models. Attendees will also learn about the complementary but separate roles of RN case managers and social work case managers.
Whether you are new to case management or a seasoned pro, this webinar series will provide the latest information to produce the best outcomes for you, your patients, and your organization.
Toni Cesta, Ph.D., RN, FAAN
Toni G. Cesta, Ph.D., RN, FAAN is a founding partner of Case Management Concepts, LLC, a consulting company that assists institutions in designing, implementing, and evaluating case management departments and models, educational programs, and onsite support for leadership and staff.
She has been active in the research and development of case management for over 25 years. Her research has included two funded studies measuring the effects of a case management model on congestive heart failure and fractured hip patient populations, with measures of patient satisfaction, quality of life, and short- and long-term clinical perceptions and outcomes.
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to: Part Two:
Describe the differences between utilization review and utilization management.
Discuss the best strategies for managing utilization reviews and other issues related to utilization management.
Identify ways in which a strong utilization management process can reduce payment denials.
The Georgia Hospital Association Research & Education Foundation is an approved provider of nursing home administrator credits as a professional trade association in long term care under Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 393-13-.02, (1) (a). Approved for 10 contact hours.
By attending Basics of Case Management, Five-Part Webinar Series offered by Georgia Hospital Association, participants may earn up to 10 ACHE Qualifying Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation. Attendees who wish to have the hours applied toward ACHE Qualifying Education credit must self-report their participation by logging into their MyACHE account and selecting ACHE Qualifying Education Credit.